Well, its here: Valentine’s Day. What is Valentine’s Day?
I found this definition of Valentine’s Day:
You probably knew this. Have you taken Valentine’s Day for granted? During 35 Valentine’s Days with my wife, the holiday hasn’t always held the same special meeting it did on our first few Valentine’s Day. We would celebrate with flowers, a card, and dinner. Some years, Valentine’s Day was a bigger deal than others.
Till the year 2020, that is. COVID and my heart transplant certainly made year bittersweet.
Over the years, raising kids, jobs, and just surviving seemed to get in the way.
After what most of us would call a crappy year, I have found a new reason to pay more attention to the intent of the day.
As I considered how to celebrate Valentine’s Day in this COVID world, I reflected on my transplant journey.
Not because the icon is a heart. Instead, I reflected on how critical my wife was in my journey. The list of things she has done for me and ways she has supported me are too long to list here so I will mention a few of the important ways.
- During my time in the hospital stay my wife came every day but two. Arriving early and often leaving late. Those of you that know me probably know what a challenge it is to spend that much time with me.
- During my stay, Tina served as my emotional compass by helping me work through what was happening to me. As my life-long partner, we worked through where we were and what the future might hold.
- She endured the challenging periods when my life was in jeopardy. Several times, she signed a consent form for a life-saving procedure when I couldn’t.
- During my hospital stay and since discharge, Tina has literally assumed the full responsibility for our home.
- Typical tasks, such as feeding and letting our dog (Bea) had to be done In addition, she has shuttled me to what seems like the endless stream of doctor appointments, biopsies, and physical therapy sessions that have occurred and will continue for the foreseeable future.
As I continue to reflect on the idea of Valentine’s Day, I can’t help but be grateful for my wife. I can’t find the words to express how I feel. I am confident that I would not have made the progress I have made to date without the love and support of my wife. Every day should be Valentine’s Day.
I try to be sure that I communicate throughout the year how much I appreciate everything she does for me. I hope that I can reinforce how I feel on Valentine’s Day.
Happy Valentine’s Day Tina!
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