My Second Birthday

Today, I made it to my second birthday. On October 2, 2020, I woke up with a new heart. As I look back, I think about those that have supported …

How many lives do I have?

This is a question that popped into my head the last couple of days. I tested positive for COVID-19 yesterday. When I got my heart transplant, I was told that …

old habits new habits in the sand

Old Habits Die Hard!

WARNING: THIS POST IS PART OF MY OWN PERSONAL THERAPY. A dear friend of mine reminded me that my second chance at life started 18 months ago. As I reflect …

stress and a broken heart

February is American Heart Month!

I’ll bet you’re thinking “Duh Chris! Valentine’s Day is in February.” Yep, it sure is, but February is also February is American Heart Month, and that’s a good reminder to …

technology education

15 Months and Still Kicking

Well, it’s been 15 months since my heart transplant. I’m still here. I’m still kicking. It’s been quite a journey so far. So far, I have survived three phases of …

One Year Heart Transplant Anniversary

My One Year Anniversary

A little over a month ago, I had the one-year anniversary of my heart transplant. I have been reflecting over the last thirteen months and am pleased with how things …

Am I a tough guy?

Coach Zike’s comment on one of my Facebook posts reminded me that during my interviews with, I had mentioned growing up a tough guy. What did I mean by …

Just Another Milestone?

For those of you who don’t know, yesterday was my 60th birthday. Definitely a milestone for most people. The question for me to consider is am I happy I am …